FOCUS VERSE: “Look at the birds in the sky. They don’t sow seed or harvest grain or gather crops into barns. Yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than they are?” — Matthew 6:26 (CEB)“There are different spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; and there are different ministries and the same Lord; and there are different activities but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.” — 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 (CEB) |
PRAYER OF PRESENCE: God, whose love does not let us go, |
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 6:25-34 |
HYMN FOR REFLECTION: Jesus, United by Thy Grace
REFLECTION: You can always count on the Apostle Paul to get straight to the point. In our text today, he begins by telling the church in Corinth, “I don’t want you to be ignorant about spiritual gifts.” It seems the Christian community in Corinth was struggling with their understanding and practice of the gifts of the Spirit. Some had turned the gifts they received into a source of pride or status, using them for personal gain rather than for the good of the community. Others used their gifts in ways that disrupted or dominated church gatherings, shifting the focus from God to themselves. In response to this confusion and division, Paul seeks to offer guidance to help the community better understand the purpose of spiritual gifts. He reminds them that all gifts come from the same Spirit and are given for the common good, not for self-glorification. He emphasizes that the diversity of gifts reflects the Spirit’s freedom and creativity, yet all are meant to work together to build up the Body of Christ. Through this teaching, Paul redirects their focus from individual competition to communal unity, urging them to grow in faith and love together. What spiritual gifts has God given you? How have you chosen to use them for the benefit of the community? If you do not know what your spiritual gifts might be, you can visit this website to complete a free spiritual gifts inventory: https://www.umcdiscipleship. No matter the spiritual gifts we might have, the key for us is always to remember these are given to us so we may serve others and glorify God. Just as Paul reminded the Corinthians, we too are called to see our gifts as part of something greater—a community bound together by the Spirit, working for the good of all and the glory of God. May we be inspired to use our spiritual gifts in ways that strengthen the bonds of unity, deepen our love for one another, and glorify the God who gives so generously to all. |
CLOSING PRAYER: Gracious and Holy Father, |
WEEKLY PRACTICE: Jan 19 - 25 (Sun - Sat) Petition: Asking For Needs and Desires in PrayerEach day this week take time to ask God for something from your heart and mind as you focus on seeking to engage life with the mind of Christ. It can sometimes be hard to focus on self and even feel selfish to ask for anything while knowing the breadth of challenges people are facing around the world and right next door. Yet, God chooses us and love us and so it is good to ask freely and without hesitation. By faith, God not only hears and feals with you, but will answer with the passion of love and grace which also abides in you. May you be filled with passion for whatever your heart desires and may that passion be fueled and inspired by God’s dabiding love. Amen. |