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Friday, January 31, 2025

Dear Friends,

Thank you for journeying with us through the 31 Days of Prayer. We hope this time of reflection, scripture, and prayer has been a meaningful experience for you.

As we continue to grow together in faith, we would love to hear your thoughts! Your feedback will help us understand how this journey impacted you and how we can shape future opportunities for prayer, spiritual growth, and community engagement.

Please take a few minutes to share your experience by filling out our 31 Days of Prayer Feedback Form:

Click here to leave your feedback

Every response is valuable, whether you participated daily or occasionally. Thank you for your time, honesty, and for being part of this prayerful journey.

FOCUS VERSES: God has made everything fitting in its time, but has also placed eternity in their hearts, without enabling them to discover what God has done from beginning to end.” —Ecclesiastes 3:11


Gracious God,
As we pause in this moment, still our minds and quiet our hearts.
Let Your Spirit fill us with courage and compassion.
Open our eyes to see Your work around us,
And guide our steps to walk in Your love and truth.
In Christ’s name, Amen.

SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 3:9-15

Video Link: 

Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine
Charles Wesley, 1707–1788

  1. Come, let us use the grace divine,
    and all with one accord,
    in a perpetual covenant
    join ourselves to Christ the Lord;
    Give up ourselves, thru Jesus' power,
    his name to glorify;
    and promise, in this sacred hour,
    for God to live and die.
  1. The covenant we this moment make
    be ever kept in mind;
    we will no more our God forsake,
    or cast these words behind.
    We never will throw off the fear
    of God who hears our vow;
    and if thou art well pleased to hear,
    come down and meet us now.
  1. Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
    let all our hearts receive,
    present with thy celestial host
    the peaceful answer give;
    to each covenant the blood apply
    which takes our sins away,
    and register our names on high
    and keep us to that day!


“Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.” At first glance, the Teacher in Ecclesiastes presents a rather bleak view of the world. In his pursuit of wisdom, wealth, and pleasure, he arrives at the sobering conclusion that human efforts often seem fleeting, unable to fully grasp the breadth of life’s meaning. Yet, within this complex and fascinating book, we find deep truths that call us to reflect.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 reminds us that God has woven time into the fabric of our existence, setting eternity within our hearts. We are creatures bound by time, yet we carry a longing for something beyond it. This longing is not a sign of futility but of possibility—it reflects our ongoing journey with God, one of faith, discernment, and growth.

The kingdom of God is both a present and future reality. The writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us that while we hold a sense of past and future in our hearts, we always live in the present. Our lives here and now are meant for nothing less than to know, love, and serve God on earth, and as John Wesley said, to enjoy our Creator to all eternity. The kingdom of God is not just a distant hope but a present reality, made possible by Christ’s work of redemption, restoration, and transformation. Jesus himself declared, “The kingdom of God is among you” (Luke 17:21).

This reality calls us to a way of living that reflects the presence of God’s kingdom here and now. As the body of Christ, our role is not passive; rather, we are called to be an alternative community, a light to the world, a beacon of God’s coming kingdom brought near in Jesus Christ. Through our daily choices, our words, and our actions, we become witnesses to a different way of being—a way that embodies mercy, justice, and love.

In the Beatitudes, Jesus offers us a glimpse into this kingdom-oriented life. Jesus calls us to hunger and thirst for righteousness, to be peacemakers, to act with mercy, and to embody a humility that acknowledges our deep dependence on God. These are not distant ideals but present possibilities. When we put these things into practice—through prayer, study, and the companionship of fellow believers—God’s kingdom becomes tangible in our midst.

At times, life’s seasons may feel disjointed, unpredictable, or even unjust. Yet, Ecclesiastes reminds us that God is present in every moment, working in ways we may not fully understand. We do not always see the bigger picture, but we are called to trust that even in uncertainty, God’s purposes are unfolding.

As We Move Forward in Prayer

Today marks the final day of our 31 Days of Prayer journey, but it is not the end—it is a new beginning. Over the past month, we have intentionally set aside time to seek God, reflect on scripture, and grow in our faith together. As we close this time of focused prayer, let us remember that prayer is not just an event or a season; it is a way of life.

This journey of seeking God, listening for his voice, and aligning our hearts with his will does not stop here. Let this experience be a foundation for continued growth. Keep praying. Keep seeking. Keep trusting that God, who has made everything suitable for its time, is guiding you forward.

So, where do you see God at work in your present season? How is the kingdom of God being made real in your daily life? May we continue to walk with faith, trusting that our small acts of love, justice, and mercy are shaping a world that reflects the prayer we so often speak: “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”


O my God, teach my heart where and how to seek you, where and how to find you....
You are my God and you are my All and I have never seen you.
You have made me and remade me,
You have bestowed on me all the good things I possess,
Still I do not know you....
I have not yet done that for which I was made....
Teach me to seek you....
I cannot seek you unless you teach me or find you unless you show yourself to me.
Let me seek you in my desire, let me desire you in my seeking.
Let me find you by loving you, let me love you when I find you.

—Anselm of Canterbury (1034–1109)

WEEKLY PRACTICE: Jan 26 - 31 (Sun - Fri) 

Intercession: Considering Others in Prayer

These final days of the 31 days of prayer is a chance to build a bridge that connects the habit of prayer in many ways with the evangelistic work of all of us as people of faith. Each day, take time to pray for someone else. Do this by name. Speak or journal with a heart for wholistic health and well being in body, mind, and spirit. Consider a need or desire they have and if prompted within, intercede for them by asking for God’s divine provision in their lives. Whether you trust that prayer is all you are called to do in the moment or you feel prompted to be present in other ways such as an invitation to connect, walk with them through a difficult moment, or otherwise be the hands and feet of Christ in their lives, do so without hesitation. Have faith that God is at work in you and your prayers and that by faith your intercessions will open up the windows of heaven in the others’ lives. 

All honor and glory to God and may God bless you and keep you as you listen and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit in your prayers. Amen.