70th Anniversary Habitat Home Build

Heart of Hilldale: Habitat for Humanity

Hilldale United Methodist Church has been partnering with Habitat for Humanity in Clarksville, TN since 2004. This mission is one way we fulfill our vision of Loving God. Loving People. Making This World a Better Place.

We believe that a safe and secure place to live is a foundation for a better life. As part of our 70th Celebration, HUMC is partnering to COMPLETELY SPONSOR a new home in Clarksville! The family has been chosen. The land is secured. The work is beginning and WE NEED YOUR HELP!

The total cost to build a home with Habitat for Humanity is $60,000. Through years of our Brighter Still On the Hill campaign, we have raised funds to cover $48,000 of that cost. We are almost there!!

It is our hope to cover the remaining $12,000 cost as soon as possible, with a prayerful goal of the groundbreaking ceremony scheduled for September 7th!

We ask that our Hilldale family and our community work together to fulfill our promise to build. You can give any Sunday at HUMC during our Sunday school classes or 10:15 service. You can also give online NOW below!

Thank you for helping us bring Christ to Clarksville in all the ways we can!